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This site has been created to expose the truth about Rutland Manor Labradoodle Breeding and Research Center. Rutland Manor has been breeding Labradoodles for 11 years and during this time numerous complaints have been raised. Every time that Rutland Manor has been challenged, they attack, intimidate and  threaten and then create a diversion to deflect attention away from the dogs. In the past this tactic has worked. Not any more. We are here to stay. Watch Video here.


Is there any Labra in your Labradoodle ? or are you getting a very expensive Poodle ?

We,  like others, are deeply concerned about the Rutland Manor dogs welfare and living conditions.

There are many responsible breeders of Labradoodle’s that are appalled at Rutland Manor’s breeding practices and unfortunately they are being tarred with the same brush simply because they love this breed. Many of them are too afraid to speak out but support the campaign to shut Rutland Manor down.

We are not against breeders of Labradoodle’s, or any other breeds, but rather the breeding practices of Rutland Manor.

If you are considering purchasing a Labradoodle, please read through this site and think twice about purchasing a Rutland Manor dog. Your money will continue the cycle of abuse.

This site is dedicated to all the Rutland Manor dogs who have suffered a life of constant breeding with no rest.

  • Rutland’s Lil Yogi Bean -after enduring many pregnancies throughout a long cruel illness of Chronic Active Hepatitis – finally put down in the middle of the night.
  • Rutlands Snuggles bred back to back from 10 months of age. Born Jan 2002, 1st litter -Jan 2003, 2nd litter 6 months later July 2003, 3rd litter 6 months later January 2004, 4th litter 5 months later June 2004, 5th litter 5 months later November 2004, 6th litter 5 months later April 2005 (one puppy born deformed)  A total of 29 puppies.
  • Rutlands Shasta –  Born 11th August 2002 – Ist litter 7th June 2003 (mated before she was 8 months old) 2nd litter 24th Jan 2004, 3rd litter 1st Sept 2004, 4th litter 14th March 2005, 5th litter 25th Oct 2005, 6th litter 19th May 2006.
  • Rutlands Mrs Bean – Born 23 March 2002 – bred back to back from 8 months old. 1st litter -19th Feb 2003, 2nd litter 18th Feb 2004, 3rd litter 17th  July 2004,   4th litter 15th Feb 2005, 5th litter 12th Aug 2005, 6th litter 1st Feb 2006.
  • Rutlands Puffin – Born 28th February 2001 -bred back to back from 10 months old. 1st litter – 2nd March 2002, 2nd litter 30th July 2002, 3rd litter 12th January 2003, 4th litter 19th June 2003, 5th litter 16th September 2004, 6th litter 14th March 2005-exported in whelp.

    Rutlands Lil Masquerade (Mask)

    Rutlands Lil Masquerade (Mask)