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Remember when……..

January 17, 2011

Beverley announced back in 2009 that she would be retiring Isabella after her next litter. Then in March 2010 advertised that Isabella would again be bred, then retire.

Isabella has again appeared on the website and will be bred yet again.
Beverly you are becoming so transparent it’s ridiculous!

Unrecognisable....this is Isabella

But thats not the only lie we noticed on the Rutland Manor website , another huge lie is about to be exposed after we dig around in our paperwork, we know we have it somewhere…….stay tuned!

Start studying your website Beverley, are you sure you have the evidence ?


15 Comments leave one →
  1. Doodle Lover permalink
    January 17, 2011 1:23 pm

    There are numerous lies on her site, it shouldn’t be difficult at all to find evidence on several of them.

    • Lee permalink
      January 19, 2011 3:19 am

      Let’s not forget poor Sunnie who will be bred again as well. Remember how badly matted she was….poor poor baby! Sunnie is up for her third litter, wonder whether she will get a pet home and also poor little Ava.

  2. Anat permalink
    January 18, 2011 9:51 pm

    It won’t be long until Beverley is completely outed and even her followers will have the proof they need to see how they have been misled. And they sure have been misled. She is always saying a bitch is being retired and then back pedals when money isn’t coming in and breeds that bitch again. Funny how her wait list suddenly opened earlier than she previously posted. She needs money. She is all about money and her sick ego. Leave Isabella alone Beverley.

  3. Lisa J Ryan permalink
    January 19, 2011 5:50 am

    The only thing I can’t remember with Beverly Manners is when she actually told the truth about anything at all, and I doubt she could either.

  4. Carole Grundy permalink
    January 21, 2011 8:42 pm

    Isabella is so thin and matted.. its dreadful. I’m so sorry for all of these dogs.

  5. Anat permalink
    January 21, 2011 9:10 pm

    Pet home? That is doubtful. Why do her breeding dogs disappear with no word on where they went? What happened to Knosses? Was he shot like Ellie? Now that so much is known about his passing on heart conditions it’s likely she just got rid of the problem.

  6. Natalie permalink
    January 24, 2011 6:15 pm

    The RM wait list closes at the end of February and won’t open until late in the year???? What on earth is that woman smoking? So she must have won Lotto to carry her through the rest of the year! It’s only January. Even in Australia it’s only January.

    On the bright side, maybe she is finally going to call it quits and stop the abuse of those beautiful animals and retire to her 135 acre property.
    Please do it. You would probably get donations to help you get the hell out of town!

  7. H.Allison permalink
    February 4, 2011 5:56 pm

    Psssst…..Bev is up to BS again, changed her website for the billionth time…still maintains her lies upon lies about what happened in the US…then to top it off, quotes the friggin Bible right next to her lies…this woman has no shame.

  8. Becca permalink
    February 15, 2011 9:26 am

    Nothing surprises me with this monster. She is simply a doggie whore. She’s never produced anything worthy anyway, not in horses or dogs. I just dont understand why she cant be stopped.
    Good name for people that buy the cross crap that just support these people… D’oodle, it’s a Dickhead crossed with a poodle !!

    • Dorrie permalink
      February 22, 2011 6:08 pm

      Becca, While I 100% agree with you about Beverly and the monster she has become, there are many responsible breeders of cross breeds and many that aren’t, just like in the pure breed world. I have two labradoodles, one from Rutland Manor from before I knew better and one from a reputable U.S. Breeder and I wouldn’t change them for any other dog or pure breed(which I have owned in the past). Calling the people that buy cross breeds names isn’t really the answer or the point to this website.

  9. alison permalink
    March 13, 2011 12:19 am

    hi folks,
    be afraid, be very very afraid.
    High and halo’d on Rutland Manors Web site is, once more, the opinion that all bitches should be bred back to back…
    Taken from the rutland Manor Website today…..

    “….It is my view that each individual breeding bitch should determine if and when she is fit to be bred. Her physical and emotional condition is the indicator of whether there is any good reason to not breed her. I understand that bitches need to be protected from irresponsible owners, so perhaps a compulsory veterinary examination prior to each mating would be a more sensible approach?

    It is an expensive process, to breed, properly raise and health test a breeding dog, and her first litter comes nowhere near to repaying the breeder for money spent. Negative impact caused by current laws, is that many breeders continue to breed their bitches into old age, to ‘make up for’ the litters they are not permitted to breed while their bitches are in their prime. I believe that it is kinder and safer to breed a bitch back to back and to retire her and spay her while she is still young……”

    So is she saying that the only dogs she has in their health and prime are her young bitches?
    What’s wrong with her breeding that her dogs are not hale and hearty past 6 years old??

    Does she not realise that in the wild, the wolves she is very fond of quoting, do not have every bitch in their pack, breeding every year?? The alpha female in the pack, will not allow it… except in times of exceptional plenty!


    • Laura Dean permalink
      March 14, 2011 6:36 pm

      So why did you breed the hell out of poor Shania? No one will ever know for sure that she is even alive and no pictures of a brown Labradoodle posing as Shania will ever convince the thousands of people who know exactlywhat a liar and storyweaver you are! And everytime you are pushed into a corner you promise to show all your proof which doesn’t exist or you compose more lies. People all over the world have your number and its well known your orders at the puppy mill are practically nil. The end is near old lady and the whole world will enjoy your demise as an abuser of any living thing.

  10. Arla McShae permalink
    March 16, 2011 3:36 am

    Apparently another relationship with Beverley Manners has bitten the dust. Where oh where is Log Cabin Labradoodles on the RM Puppy Mill Site? One by one, they leave you Beverley. One by one. Listen to the clock, your time is running out.
    A while back Log Cabin blogged:

    Patty – Log Cabin
    Welcome Anne. It appears that ALFA
    Wed Apr 22, 2009 09:11

    has been set up to protect Australian Labradoodles with Tegan Park and Rutland Manor lines. As a breeder of Australian Labradoodles, I applaud the focus. The Australian Labradoodle Club of America also works to protect the Australian Labradoodle by certifying true Australian Labradoodles and litters as opposed to members.

    ALFA appears strongly committed to the health of the breed as evidenced by only certifying dogs with good or excellent hips scores. ALCA also protects through required health testing: hips, elbows, CERF, PRA, DNA.

    I invite you to explore both ALFA and ALCA to determine if one or both meet your needs. The Australian Labradoodle Association of America (ALAA) is a third organization, just know that they register many dogs as “Australian” that are not considered “Australian Labradoodles” by the first two Associations. However, they too have strict health testing requirements. It is all in deciding which groups reflect your breeding program.

    Best wishes, Anne–and once again, welcome to the forum. Your question is one many people are asking and thus can help others.

  11. Della permalink
    May 21, 2011 6:51 pm

    About the breeding dogs. Isabella is still listed as a breeding bitch. Does Beverley have a calendar? How many times can she retire the same dog? If the bitch is breathing, Bev will breed her. No doubt Shania is breeding at Valley View under a different name. What happened to Sunny? Let’s keep track of how many litters little Brolly is forced to have. One so far, that we know of.

    Are those two chocolate girls really bred by you? Either one could be the stolen dog from a well known breeder in Australia.

    Seman bank? Doubtful. And how could the dogs be stolen if you sent them to the US?

    And whatever happened to Ann Stefanski? She was your star trainer and then like all the people in your life, she disappeared.
    Please give up those dogs and give them a chance at a good life.

  12. alison permalink
    June 20, 2011 8:55 pm

    …..where are sunny and shania????

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